


一、shall和should 的用法

英文合同中常见的情态动词主要有以下两个,即,shall和should。但它们在合同中分别表示不同的含义。shall是英文合同中使用频率最高的一个词,也是语气最重的一个词,常用于第三人称。shall常用来表示法律上必须履行的责任和应尽的义务,如不履行合同条款就会产生违反法律责任和义务的后果,其含义相当于中文的“应当”或“必须”。  shall在合同文件中是使用频率最高的词,在合同文件中shall表示强制性承担法律或合同所规定的义务,Shall 在合同英语中的词义不同于普通英语中的词义。它在合同英语中主要表示“指示性”、“施为性”含义和行使权利的“义务”和“责任”。

在表达“应该”或“必须”做某事时,应用“shall”而不能用“ must”或“should”,但有时可用“will”,力度比shall弱。


 如 The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman. Should the chairman be absent, the vice-Chairman shall, in principle, call and preside over the board meeting.

 文中两个shall,都表示有责任做,应该做之意。 原文可译为:



例.Shipment: The Date of the Bill of Lading shall be accepted as a conclusive evidence of the date of shipment.


例 If the Buyers fail to notify and/or forward full details within the period specified above, the Buyers shall be deemed to have waived their right to assert any claim.


 例.In the event the Buyers’ such appointment does not arrive in time, the Sellers’ system of inspection shall be final and binding upon the parties concerned.


 例.Quantity, unless otherwise arranged, shall be subject to a variation of 5% plus or minus at Seller’s option.


例. Such compensation shall correspond to the real value of the property concerned and shall be freely convertible and paid without undue delay.


 例.The Purchaser shall, upon receipt of Corporation’s respective invoices therefor, pay to Corporation all amounts which become due by the Purchaser to the Corporation hereunder, including without limitation an amount equal to the taxes and duties.


 例.The contractor shall be entitled to use for the purpose of the works such supplies of electricity and water as may be available therefor on the site and shall pay the purchaser such as may be reasonable in the circumstances, and shall at his own expense provide any apparatus necessary for such use.


 例.The Board shall have such jurisdiction and powers as are conferred on it by this or any other Ordinance.


Shall在合同条款处在两种情况下可以不译外,主要可以被译成“须”、“应”和“应当”等。但shall与not或其他否定形式(如用否定词No/neigher开头的句子)连用时,一般不能顺其自然,译成“不须”、“不应”或“不要”、“不可”、“不应当”,因为这几个词的意思在汉语里主要表示“建议”或“忠告”;在语用上,口语色彩较重,表示 “禁止”的语气不够强烈;大量既定的权威性文献表明:shall not及类似否定式短句的最通常、最恰当的译法是“不得”,因为“不得”在汉语里与“禁止”一词同义,与法律英语中含shall的否定句所要表达的意思相同。试看以下各例:

例.The rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents shall not be restricted unless as prescribed by law. Such restrictions shall not contravene the provisions of the preceding paragraph of this Article.



 例 No will shall be revoked by any presumption of an intention on the ground of an alteration in circumstances.


 例.Neither Party hereto shall assign this Agreement or any of its rights and interest hereunder without the other Party’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.


在法律和普通合同条文中,当shall之后所跟的动词本身就能表达权利、义务或责任以及主句的基本结构为shall + be + predicative (表语)时,通常也是不译的:

  3.The board shall have such jurisdiction and powers as are conferred on it by this or any other Ordinance.


  4.If the Buyers fail to provide such letter of credit in the Seller’s favor as prescribed above, the Sellers shall have the option of reselling the contracted goods for the account of the Buyers or delaying any shipment and/or cancelling any orders at any time on the Buyers account and risk.


  5.The Landlord shall not be in any way responsible to the Tenant for any damage caused to be said premises or the contents thereof arising as a result of the negligence of any other tenant of the said building.


  6.Provided that should the Purchaser or his nominee have entered in possession of the premises hereby agreed to be sold the Purchaser shall thereupon be deemed to have accepted the title of the Vendor and shall not be entitled to raise any requisition or objection In respect of any of the matters aforesaid.


  7.The cost of and incidental to the preparation and registration of this Agreement shall be borne and paid by the Vender and the Purchaser jointly. In Addition to this the Purchaser shall bear and pay all the cost of Messrs. & Co. Solicitors for services in connection with the sale and purchase of the said premises…


对照以上中英文本,我们不难归纳出:在法律及合同条文中,have the
right/power/jurisdiction/obligation of, have the option of, be responsible for (bear/take responsibility/cost for), be obliged to, be liable to, be entitled to, be at liberty to, be able to, be + predicative adjective等动词短语片语是经常用来表示权利、责任和义务的,如果这些短语前面带有shall,则一般不能把它译成“须”、“应当”、“应”等。

二、May 的用法

 May 多用于合同法律文件中,具有和协议条款相同的指示性施为性作用。当may 表示“许可”的含义时常常翻译成“可”。 May not 具有和协议条款相同的宣布性的施为性作用,汉语翻译为“不可”,而且与shall not 的内涵不一样。

  May 在法律英语中主要有两种解释。  一是表示“给予许可”或者“给予某人做某事的授权”(be allowed to or have permission to),这一含义多用于法律法规中。  二是表示“也许”或者“可能性”(be in some degree likely to),这一含义多用于合同中。

  第一、May 在法律法规中的翻译

  May 在法律法规的法律英语中表示被授权的法律含义时,汉语中常用“可”或“可以”表示。下面的例子就是进一步说明这一特征。

  ① 中华人民共和国法律和中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约没有规定的,可以适用国际惯例(《中华人民共和国 民法通则》第142 条)。

  International practice may be applied on matters of which neither the law of the People’s Republic of China nor any international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People’s Republic of China has any provisions.

  ② 民事法律行为可以采取书面形式、口头形式或者其他形式。

  A civil juristic act may be in written, oral or other form.

  ③ 人民法院审理案件,其中一部分事实已经清楚,可以就该部分先行判决。

  If some of the facts in a case being tried by the People’s Court are already evident, the Court may pass judgment on that part of the case first.

  ④ 当事人对重审案件的判决、裁定,可以上诉)。

  The parties concerned may appeal against the judgment or written order rendered in a retrial of their case.

  第二、May 在合同文件中的翻译

  May 在合同法律文件中的法律解释以“可能”、“可以”(likely, possible )或者“(或)许”(perhaps)的含义为主,但也更有可能在“可能性”(possibility)与“准许”(permission)之间易产生歧 义。在汉语的法律表述中常常用词组“可以, 也可以”来表达may 在法律英语中“可能性”的法律解释。

  ① 当事人依法可以委托代理人订立合同。

  The parties may conclude a contract through an agent in accordance with the law.

  ② 承租人可以要求减少租金或者不支付租金。

  The lessee may request a reduction of rent or not to pay the rent.

  ③ 出租人可以要求支付全部租金;也可以解除合同,收回租赁物。

  The lessor may request it to pay all the rent, or rescind the contract and take back the leased property. ”

  ④ 发包人可以与总承包人订立建设工程合同,也可以分别与勘察人、设计人、施工人订立勘察、设计、施工承包合同。

The contract letting party may enter into a construction project contract with a general contractor, or enter into a survey contract, design contract or construction contract with a surveyor, designer or constructor respectively.

总之,正确翻译与运用情态动词shall和may对于英汉法律翻译来说都是非常基本的要求。由于汉语法律中没有与shall 和may 完全对等的法律词语与法律解释,那么对shall 和may 的翻译就没有最完美的解决方案。

英文合同中有时也出现情态动词may和must。may 用于约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),没有任何义务的含义,不带有强制性,有时表示允许或许可,相当于中文的“可以”、“得”等含义。其否定形式may not用于禁止性义务(不得做什么),语气不如shall not强烈。must用于强制性义务(必须做什么),但这一义务不一定具有法律的约束力,其否定形式一般不会出现在英文合同中。了解和掌握情态动词的确切含义有助于正确理解英文合同条款的内容。由于合同中权利和义务的约定构成了合同的主体,情态动词如选用不当,有可能会引起法律纠纷。

  A business secret the parties learn in concluding a contract shall not be disclosed or unfairly used, no matter the contract is established or not.


Local authorities and all departments shall support the Customs offices in exercising their functions and powers according to law; they may not illegally interfere in the Customs enforcement of law.

三 、Must 的用法

must虽然也是法律篇章中的一个主要情态动词,而且具有最强的强制性,但几乎没有该词直接的否定形式(即must not)的位置,尽管该词的否定形式在普通问题的篇章中并不少见:如Cars must not be parked here. (此地不准停车。)以及You must not tell a lie. (你不可以说慌。)如同shall not 和 may not一样,must not 也表示一种禁令,通常译为“不可以”或“不准”,但不能或不宜译为“不得”。

  例:任何单位和个人实施他人专利的,除本法第十四条规定的以外,都必须与专利权人订立书面实施许可合同,向专利权人支付专利使用费。… 专利权的所有权单位或者持有单位应当对职务发明创造的发明人或者设计人给予奖励。

Except as provided for in Article 14, any entity or individual exploiting the patent of another must conclude a written licensing contract with the patentee and pay the patentee a fee for the exploitation of its or his patent. … The entity owning or holding the patent right on a job-related invention-creation shall reward the inventor or designer.


 四、shall, may和must的否定句

   shall在否定句中,不管其句型如何 – 或在该情态动词后加上not、或在句首添上一个No,或与任何其他形式的否定词搭配(如shall serve no more than … two terms),在绝大数情况下,与shall搭配的否定词都被译成“不得”。此外,neither party … shall + do 的句型也同样翻译成“任何一方不得做某事”。

例:.The Seller shall present the following documents required for negotiation to the banks(卖方必须将下列单据提交银行附议).shall 的否定形式shall not在英文合同中常表示不得发生的行为。 例:. Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to other buyers in the above-mentioned territory(甲方不得向上述地区其他买主供应本合同项下商品)。但必须注意的是,在英文合同中,shall在表示“应该”时不可随便用should代替,should虽然也表示“应该”,但它没有shall那样重的含义,因为should并不表示法律义务,只表示一般的义务或道义上的义务,有时甚至表示“原该”或“最好如此”的含义。当should出现在合同中时,它常放在句子的开头,表示一个隐含的条件状语,相当于由if、in case 或in the event that 引导的状语从句,其含义相当于中文的“如果”、“万一”而不是“应该”。 例:. Should the verification conclusion contradict the conditions of an auction target stated in an auction contract, the auctioneer has the right to demand a change or rescind the contract(如果鉴定结论与委托拍卖合同载明的拍卖标的状况不相符,拍卖人有权要求变更或者解除合同)。

在下列例句中的最后一句 – “卖方不应负责”,就不能改成“卖方不得负责”,否则该句子在中文词语搭配上就违背习惯用法。

  例 . Partial shipment or transshipment shall be permitted unless otherwise stated on the face hereof. The Seller shall not be responsible for non-shipment or late shipment of the contracted goods due to causes beyond the Sellers’ control or causes due to the failure of the Buyers to provide in time the relative letter of credit or other instructions requested by the Sellers.


  又如the Purchaser shall thereupon be deemed to have accepted the title of the Vendor and shall not be entitled to raise any requisition or objection in respect of any of the matters aforesaid.


  如果把后半句改成“并不得有权…”,则整句译文就会显得不伦不类。因此,具体情况具体分析,此处只是揭示shall在否定句中一个最常用的译法而已;主 要适用于本文揭示的在肯定句中shall可被译成“须”或“应”这一类型的否定句;基本上不适用shall可以不译的这一类型的否定句。


 例 . 外观设计专利被授予后,任何单位或个人未经专利权人许可,不得为生产经营目的制造、销售其外观设计专利产品。

  After the grant of the patent right for a design, no entity or individual may, without the authorization of the patentee, make or sell the product incorporating its or his patented design, for production or business purposes.


  An applicant may amend his or its application for a patent, but the amendment to the application for a patent for invention or utility model may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure contained in the initial description and the claims…

 例. Neither Party may assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the other Party’s prior written consent, except to (i) any corporation resulting from any merger, consolidation or other reorganization involving the assigning party.


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上一篇 2022年7月31日 下午10:26
下一篇 2022年7月31日 下午10:32


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